Rosemary, Poppy Seed, Olive Oil, and Orange Cake

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I have always wanted to try an olive oil cake, as different as it may be to many, it’s actually quite a popular cake in Mediterranean cuisine!

Using olive oil cuts down on "bad" cholesterol and saturated fat in your baking. It's considered a "good" fat. It also adds extra antioxidants (natural chemicals that help protect our cells) and vitamin E to your baked goods, giving your desserts a heart-healthy boost. However, in the end it’s still a cake, and contains the same calories as if you use butter or another kind of oil, so indulge at your own risk!

A bundt cake is the best cake to enjoy next to a cup of tea or coffee, and having all these flavors merging together into a scrumptious loaf is truly satisfyingly delightful.

The poppy seeds add a crunchy texture that balances perfectly with the fluffy sponge, and the rosemary marries wonderfully with the citrusy flavor of the orange. For my cake, I used tried and true Palestinian olive oil, so that flavor of olive oil truly came through and added a whole new flavor profile.

It was a lovely experience and I can’t wait for all of you to try it!


Bon appétit!


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